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Supporting people in the developing world to improve their lives, meet their basic needs and ensure their human dignity. helping communities and families to free themselves from the oppression of poverty.
Concern Worldwide works with the world's poorest people to transform their lives. An international humanitarian organisation dedicated to tackling poverty and suffering in the world’s poorest countries.
GOAL is currently working in 14 countries: Ethiopia, Haiti, Honduras, India, Kenya, Malawi, Niger, Sierra Leone, Sudan, South Sudan, Syria, Uganda, Zimbabwe and the Philippines.
Focus Ireland works with people who are homeless or are at risk of losing their homes across Ireland. They offer individuals, and families, advice, support, education and housing to help people to have and keep a home.
Barnardos works directly with the children and families who need us most, providing services and support in 40 centres around the country. They also campaign for the rights of all children in Ireland, and provide training and knowledge resources to childcare professionals.
Enable Ireland’s mission is to work in partnership with those who use our services to achieve maximum independence, choice and inclusion in their communities.
Oxfam is a world-wide development organisation that mobilises the power of people against poverty.
Irish Guide Dogs for the Blind is Ireland's national charity dedicated to helping persons who are blind or vision impaired and families of children with autism to achieve improved mobility and independence.
Age Action is a charity which promotes positive ageing and better policies and services for older people.
The Irish Red Cross contributes to the overall mission of the Red Cross Red Crescent Movement worldwide in preventing or alleviating human suffering wherever it may be found