Age Action

Rating -

Last year Age Action raised €2.0m, €0.8m from the Irish public. They spent €1.5m of this on charity work, €0.6m on fundraising and €0.01m on governance costs.

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Charity work

Charity Work €1,500,000


Governance €100,000


Fundraising €600,000

What they do

Age Action is a charity which promotes positive ageing and better policies and services for older people.

How did we rate this?

We use a rigorous system to give our star ratings

Fundraising expenses 0/10
Fundraising efficiency 2.5/10
Program expenses 10/20
Growth in program expenses 0/10
Independent board members 15/15
Published financials prepared by Independent Auditor 20/20
Published information on salaries of top staff 0/5
Audited financials easy to find from the website i.e. Annual report 5/5
Graphic making it easy to see where donations are going 0/5

Total 52.5/100


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